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Switch up your career choices with new programme of support


3/6/2024 1:32:26 PM


3 mins read

A BRAND new support programme in North East Lincolnshire aims to help unemployed and part-time workers transition into jobs in industries with skills shortages.

Funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, the Adult Careers Team at North East Lincolnshire Council has developed careerShift, an eight-week programme designed to raise aspirations and boost confidence to encourage people to consider working in industries that have been identified as struggling to recruit.

Local employers will attend the course and share their knowledge of the different roles available in a wide range of sectors, including health and social care, renewables, construction, visitor economy, leisure and tourism, manufacturing, chemical processing and ports and logistics.

Companies taking part in the support programme include Orsted and XceCo (Renewables), Morgan Sindall (Construction) and DTK Frigo UK (Logistics).

The course will run for eight weeks, with 2 x 2hr sessions per week at a Town Centre location, with a new group starting every four weeks. If you are out of work or working part-time, this course is a perfect opportunity to boost your confidence to utilise your existing skills in a whole new way.

Participants will be involved in self-evaluation, employability skills , personal wellbeing and finance management. They will also have access to a more holistic package, including counselling and/or physical training needs, which can be accessed in the second half of the programme, if appropriate. Designed around self-reflection and learning, this project will open eyes to industries and jobs that might not previously have been considered.

Cllr Philip Jackson, Leader and Portfolio Holder for Economy, Net Zero, Skills and Housing, encouraged unemployed people and part-time workers to get in touch to take part in this unique programme of support.

He said: “There are a number of thriving industries in the region with skills shortages. This support programme has funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and will be invaluable in giving participants the confidence to move forward into jobs they may never before have considered, opening up a whole new career path for them.”

For more information on careershift  places contact the Adults Careers Team on 01472 324587. Or call Charlotte on 07468 707633 or Lorraine on 01472 323164.

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