Home > Latest News > Charities & Wellbeing > Kick-start 2025 with a resolution to apply for community group funding
1/7/2025 11:11:11 AM
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Grants of up to £5,000 are available to constituted community groups and charities, with a smaller grants scheme offering up to £2,000.
The programme has so far helped groups with funding exceeding £782,000. It’s particularly keen to support projects or events tackling loneliness, and improvements to community buildings and amenities.
The last funding round awarded grants of almost £12,000 and the next funding round closes for applications on 18th February.
Latest awards granted:
Foston Village Hall was awarded £3,228 for improvements to old and deteriorating lighting and emergency lighting with LED lights set to reduce bills.
Grantham Creates was awarded £4,965 for equipment to produce community and amateur artwork displays in empty units and shop windows around the town centre.
The new Rolling Stones Colsterworth New Age Kurling Group was awarded £1,005 for new indoor curling sets to be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities.
St John's Church, Spitalgate, Grantham, was awarded £2,691 to improve toilet facilities and water supply, benefitting visitors to the Community Fridge and Warm Hub.
Cllr Rhea Rayside, SKDC Cabinet Member for People and Communities said: “Everyone needs a New Year Resolution and we are urging community groups to kick-start the year by applying for funding that can make a difference to their plans.
“With 2025 marking the end of WWII, applications are also welcome from any groups planning 80th anniversary commemorations for Victory in Europe Day and Victory in Japan Day if they fit the Fund's criteria.”
Community groups can apply for up to 80% of eligible costs to a maximum of £5,000, with the remaining 20% as a required applicant contribution.
The small grants scheme can fund 100% of project and event costs up to £2,000, with no match funding required. This scheme is only open to groups that hold £10,000 or less of financial resource.
Community Fund enquiries and application forms from: communityfund@southkesteven.gov.uk
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