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Have your say on the North East Lincolnshire Local Flood Risk Management Strategy


11/4/2024 10:43:11 AM

Charities & Wellbeing

3 mins read

North East Lincolnshire Council and its delivery partner Equans, under the duties as the Lead Local Flood Authority for the borough, has undertaken a review of the existing Local Flood Risk Management Strategy. This update brings the strategy in line with the new National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy.


The Local Flood Risk Management Strategy sets out how we and others will work together to manage the risk of flooding in the borough. It also contains an Action Plan which sets out the work that the Council and others plan to undertake in the short, medium and long term.


As part of this review process, we wish to seek the views of the public, wider stakeholders and neighbouring authorities on North East Lincolnshire’s draft Local Flood Risk Management Strategy. Following this public consultation period, all response will be considered and use to inform on the update of the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy where necessary.


The final Strategy will then be submitted to the Council’s Cabinet for review prior to formal adoption. It is anticipated that the strategy will be adopted by the Council early in the new year.


You can find a copy of the draft strategy, along with a link to the feedback form on our Flood Strategies page here: https://www.nelincs.gov.uk/keeping-our-area-clean-and-safe/flooding/flood-strategies-and-investigations


The consultation period will run for 6 weeks and ends on Friday 13 December.

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