Home > Latest News > Charities & Wellbeing > Doctor Who Charity Auction for BBC Children in Need will Open to Fans Globally from 11th to 25th February at Propstore.com

Doctor Who Charity Auction for BBC Children in Need will Open to Fans Globally from 11th to 25th February at Propstore.com


1/28/2025 9:49:24 AM

Charities & Wellbeing

4 mins read

Bidding to start at £100 for over 150 Doctor Who lots, including the Doctors’ costumes and Donna Noble’s wedding dress


The Doctor Who charity auction, in partnership with Propstore - one of the world’s leading entertainment memorabilia auctioneers - will open its digital doors to fans globally from 11th February until 25th February. Bidding for all lots will start at £100, giving fans from around the world the opportunity to own exclusive and affordable Doctor Who memorabilia.


Amongst the over 150 lots, fans will have the chance to bid on Doctors’ and companions’ costumes and many more props featured in the series between 2005 and 2022 including:


·         Tenth Doctor’s (David Tennant) Tuxedo Costume and Spares


·         Eleventh Doctor's (Matt Smith) 'Closing Time' Costume


·         Twelfth Doctor's (Peter Capaldi) 'Mummy on the Orient Express' Costume


·         Thirteenth Doctor's (Jodie Whittaker) Costume


·         Screen-matched* ‘An Adventure in Space and Time’ TARDIS


·         Screen-matched* Traitor Dalek


·         Photo-matched** Gravel Cyberman Head


·         Weeping Angel Statue


·         Ood Head


·         Rose Tyler's (Billie Piper) Top


·         The Master's (John Simm) Jacket


·         Me’s (Maise Williams) Costume


·         C's (Stephen Fry) Costume


·         Clara's (Jenna Coleman) Costume


·         Donna's (Catherine Tate) Wedding Dress


With over 150 lots, bundling iconic props and costumes from the rich history of the much-loved TV-show, this is expected to be the biggest Doctor Who auction to date, with the net proceeds*** to go to BBC Children in Need, the BBC’s UK charity, which supports children in communities across the UK helping them to overcome challenges that they face.


Registration for the auction will open from January 28, 2025, on the Propstore website: https://propstoreauction.com/auctions/info/id/441.


Registering for the auction will enter fans into a competition**** with the chance to win a bow tie from the Eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith.


A full list of lots to be auctioned can be found on the Propstore website.

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